Waterbeach Parish Council

About Waterbeach

Waterbeach is a village with a population of just over 5,166 in 2011 lying about 4 miles north of Cambridge. To see a map of Waterbeach, click here[1].

Parish Councillors

Waterbeach has fifteen active Parish Councillors.

All Parish Councillors have email addresses in the form of firstname.surname@waterbeach-pc.gov.uk[2]. The Register of Interests can be accessed here[3].

Jane Williams Tel: 861818 Chair
Martin Howlett Tel: 861076 Vice-Chair

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are ex-officio members of all Parish Council committees except for Employment.

All councillors are members of the Planning Committee.

Other members with their telephone numbers (area code 01223 unless otherwise stated) and committee membership(s) are listed below:

Brian WilliamsHR Committee.
Clody HowlettHR Committee Chair, Highways Committee.
Mick BavesterRecreation Users.
Suzanne BunningHR Committee, Finance Committee. 
Ivan GilzeanHighways Committee, Finance Committee.
Janet CornwellHighways Committee.
Kate Grant
Alice Grant
Jennifer NewallHR Committee, Highways Committee.
Nigel SeamarksHighways Committee Chair, Finance Committee.
James Bull
Michael WilliamsonFinance Committee.
Julie Chester

clerk to the parish council: belinda westwoodcontact details[4])

accessibility statement

  • by email at council@waterbeach-pc.gov.uk[5]
  • by post to the parish office, old pavilion, recreation ground, cambridge road, waterbeach cb25
  • by phone call to 441338

    meetings.council meetings are on the first tuesday of every month. planning committee normally take place third each there no parish during month august. currently held at office, starting

    public opening hoursat the parish office are normally between midday on tuesdays and thursdays, but will be by appointment only. pavilion is situated directly opposite skatepark. please note that manned a skeleton staff during month of august, councillors available via above contact details an emergency.

    privacy policy

    in may 2018 waterbeach parish counciladopteda privacy policy[6]

    other tiers of local government

    waterbeach lies in the district of south cambridgeshire within county.

    the county councillor is anna bradnam anna.bradnam@cambridgeshire.gov.uk[7]), who also represents landbeach and milton.

    the district councillors are anna bradnam cllr.bradnam@scambs.gov.uk[8]), judith rippeth cllr.rippeth@scambs.gov.uk/[9]tel:07956 and paul bearpark to follow).


    [1] http://binged.it/LKvkwH%20%20
    [2] firstname.surname@waterbeach-pc.gov.uk
    [3] http://scambs.moderngov.co.uk/mgParishCouncilDetails.aspx?ID=388&LS=4
    [4] https://www.waterbeach.org.uk/opus/opus15.html?printable=Y
    [5] council@waterbeach-pc.gov.uk
    [6] http://www.waterbeach.org.uk/opus/php/wbpc/Documents//Procedural%20Documents/WPC%20PrivacyNotice.pdf
    [7] anna.bradnam@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
    [8] cllr.bradnam@scambs.gov.uk
    [9] cllr.rippeth@scambs.gov.uk/