Minutes of the monthly meeting of Waterbeach Parish Council held on Tuesday, 3rd August, 2004 at 7.30 p.m. in the New Pavilion.

Present:  Mr. D. Benton; Mr. N. Brown; Mrs. J. Cornwell; Dr. C. Grant;  Mr. W. Grant;  Mr. D. Halsey; Mrs. N. O’Horo;  Mr. P. Jones; Mr. W. Saberton; Mr. A. Shipp;  Mr. A. Wright (Chairman);

In attendance:  Mrs. J. Coston, County Councillor; the Clerk, 1 member of the public.

Matters raised by members of the public:   there were none.

  1. Apologies:  Mrs. S. Kay; Mr. M. Leeke; Mr. R. Lovett; Mr. M. Williamson; Mrs. J. Williamson, SCDC; Mr. J. Hockney, SCDC.
  2.  To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6th July, 2004:

The Minutes were amended to read on page 1215, item 13 reference Royal Mail the word ‘deliveries’ be added after Saturday and on page 1216 , item 16 the word ‘chaos’ be replaced with ‘crisis’.

Mr. Hockney had requested, by e.mail, that on page 1216 the number of signatories on the petition he had handed to CCC and SCDC be recorded.  It was agreed that a figure had not been reported at the meeting. He had also requested a  further amendment  which the Council agreed was not normal practise in the Minutes and therefore an additional Minute would not be made.

Following the amendments it was agreed that the Minutes be signed.

  1.  Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 6th July, 2004

Risk Assessment – the Clerk would contact Zurich to remind them to send the information requested

Use of disabled toilet in library by Waterbeach Brass – Mr. Wright agreed to contact the Chairman of Waterbeach Brass to remind them of the need to remove the drum from the toilet area.

Clayhithe ditch – it was noted that the ditch had been flailed.  The Clerk reported that CCC farms are arranging for the ditch to be cleared by contractors later in the year.

Delignation around recreation ground – it had been suggested that a white line be marked around the perimeter of the recreation ground.  The area to the outside of the line would be for dog walkers and runners.  It was felt that if this was agreed a more permanent marking system should be considered.

  1.  To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 20th July, 2004:

The Minutes were amended to record the apologies of Dr. C. Grant.  On page 1217 2iii the words ‘following a vote and 1 abstention’ should added after ‘Refuse.’  On page 1217 iv the words’following a vote and 1 abstention’ should be added at the end of the sentence.

The spelling of ‘site’ to ‘sight’ was also amended.

Following the amendments it was agreed that the Minutes be signed.

  1.  Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 20th July, 2004:

It was considered that in view of the change to the plans at the Travellers Rest the Council should have deferred their comments until amended plans had been received.

It has been requested that both plans for the Travellers Rest are discussed by the planning committee of SCDC, they were to be approved under delegated powers.

6         Superannuation – Additional Voluntary Contributions:

Information had been received from NALC indicating a change in the rules on augmentation and suggesting that the Council refer the matter back to CCC.  It was agreed that Mr. Williamson be asked to contact CCC with this information in order that the matter can of AVCs for the Clerk can be dealt with as soon as possible.

7         Freedom of Information Act:

The Clerk reminded the Council that The Freedom of Information Act had been discussed in January 2003 and the Council accepted that they have a duty to publicise where and what information can be seen.  To date the Council had not made provision for publicising this information. The Act is to be brought fully into force in January 2005. The Clerk suggested to


Councillors that they should look at Milton Parish Council’s web site and that they should give consideration to a professional, official site being written. 

The information on the present site is not accessible.

The Clerk handed out information to Councillors on the Freedom of Information Act for consideration of the optional classes of information before the September meeting when the Act will be discussed as an agenda item.

  1. Correspondence:

Highways Agency – Road and Traffic Information – Summer 2004

CCC – Community Safety Partnership Newsletter

CCC – Jointly Funded Minor Improvement Scheme.  Bids should be submitted to by 24th September.  This matter should be referred to the Highways Committee.

SCDC – Milton Country Park Walk

SCDC – guide to arts and entertainment

SCDC – Funding Fair at Comberton on 8th September

SCDC – formal notification of “objection” of naming of 7 dwellings off Pieces Lane whilst consultation takes place.

SCDC – refund of rates

CALC bulletin

WAY – response to meeting with Mr. Wright and Dr. Grant.  CCC website states that there is funding for youth every week of the year.  It seems that Waterbeach does not receive this funding.  Jane Coston would look into this matter.  More information is required on the membership of the youth club.

Cottenham Village College Swimming Pool Association – request for donation.  It was agreed that the Council should not make a donation as the army pool is open to villagers.

  1. Approval of Accounts:

Mr. Benton proposed, seconded by Mr. Brown and agreed that the accounts be paid as presented.

The bank reconciliation as at 30 June, 2004 was presented to the Council and approved.

10.  Representatives Report.

i.        Report of meeting at SCDC on 5th July.

Mr. Wright and Mr. Williamson had attended the meeting which was chaired by the chairman of Foxton Parish Council.  The meeting had discussed the proposals for more housing around Cambridge. 

Further discussions would be held once the findings of the Buchanan Report had been published in September.  It was agreed that matters should be taken step by step and that Mr. Williamson would be asked to continue acting for the Council as he had done so admirably previously in such matters.

ii.      Report of Traffic Committee held on 7th July

The Minutes of the meeting had been distributed to Councillors.  It is not known when the next meeting is to be held although a site meeting is being arranged with Philip Sharpe, CCC.

ii.        County Councillor report:

Mrs. Coston reported that new plans are expected from Cambridge Rowing Trust in September or October.  The current plan is to do the project in two stages.  Only starting at the Waterbeach end if agreement has not been secured with the rail authority about the crossing of the rail and lake.

Mrs. Coston reported that she had met with CCC highways and would be reporting at a later date on a number of matters.

Cycleway to the Research Park – this is being held up by funding issues.

iii.       South Cambridgeshire District Councillor report:

Both district councillors had sent apologies.



11.    Village Matters:

Dogs on the recreation ground – as the recreation ground is within the 30mph speed limit and therefore covered by the general byelaw there is no need for a Council byelaw relating to dog

fouling.  As the Council own the recreation ground the recently erected signs are adequate and byelaws are not required

It was agreed that the suggestion by residents of Chittering to request the re-siting of the post box near the bus stop on the A10  to outside the play area be made to the Collection Manager in Cambridge.

Car Dyke Road – the willows adjacent to the field behind the Slap Up are in need of being trimmed.  The Clerk would have a look at them to establish who should be contacted.

Queensway path – there is overhanging vegetation.  The Clerk would look at this to establish who should be contacted.

It was suggested that Parish Council meetings should be held in varying venues.  It was considered that this was not a feasible suggestion.

Problems on recreation ground on weekend of 31st July.  The police had been contacted but the response was not as expected.

School governor – the post of a minor authority appointed governor does not exist any more. 

WILL – two days of introduction to the library for school children had been held.  Due to the success the school had suggested that the days are repeated.  The quarterly statistics suggest that the library is on track but the comparisons are invidious.

Dog bins – it should be suggested to Cam Conservators that they install a dog litter bin on the tow path near the bridge.

Waterbeach medals – it was agreed that the Council should approach the gentleman who had offered medals for safe keeping in the village.  The Clerk would make enquiries.

Playgrounds – it was agreed that the Clerk would arrange for the groundsperson for billygoat the play grounds before the start of term.  This would be carried out as a goodwill gesture on this occasion.

Club agreements – Dr. Grant, Mr. Grant and the Clerk had started to gather information to produce these agreements.  It was agreed that they should continue and the draft agreements presented to the next meeting of the Council for approval.

Youth club – the youth Club had had the PAT testing of their electrical equipment carried out and supplied the Council with a list of equipment.

12.    Groundspersons.

It was agreed that the groundsperson be offered the opportunity of visiting the Saltex Show in September.

Councillors were asked by the Clerk to consider the full time retirement of Mr. Scrivener.


The meeting ended at 10.15 p.m.


Chairman ………………………………..      Date ……………………………………………


Minutes of the meeting of Waterbeach Parish Council held on Tuesday, 17th August, 2004 at 7.30 p.m. in the New Pavilion.

Present:  Mrs. J. Cornwell; Mr. W. Grant;  Mr. D. Halsey; Mr. M. Leeke;  Mrs. N. O’Horo; Mr. W. Saberton; Mr. A. Shipp;  Mr. A. Wright (Chairman);

In attendance:  Mrs. J. Coston, County Councillor; the Clerk, 1 member of the public.

1.   Apologies:  Mr. D. Benton; Mr. N. Brown;  Dr. C. Grant; Mrs. S. Kay; Mr. P. Jones; Mr. R. Lovett; Mr. M. Williamson; Mrs. J. Williamson, SCDC; Mr. J. Hockney, SCDC.

  1. Planning Applications:

i.        P. Mullins, adj. 2 Cody Road – dwelling.  Refused.  Overdevelopment of site, inadequate parking, damage to adjacent hedgerow and contrary to covenant on



ii.Mr. Mrs. T. Baxter, 19 Cattells Lane – replacement garage.  Approved subject to neighbours      

iii.     G. Quartey, 65 Rosemary Road – east facing elevations for extension.  Noted.

iv.     ORS Plc, land between Bannold Road and Orchard Drive – residential development (2.4 has.) and Ancillary Open Space/Landscaping.  It was agreed that due to number of issues the Clerk should request that a planning officer attend a meeting.

v.      Mr. Castle & Ms. Cramp, 31 Denny End Road – extensions.  Agreed subject to neighbours.

vi.     P. Munro, 48 Denny End Road – 2 houses amended design.  Refused.  Loss of privacy and neighbours concerns relating to this.

vii.   Environment Agency – flood defence barrier at Whitmore Way.  Alterations to foundations to reduce the risk of damage to the roots of leylandii trees.  For information only.

SCDC replies:


Mr. Mrs. Hawes, 40 Bannold Road – extension.

Mr. Mrs. Petchell, Vicarage Farm, Chittering – extension

Mr. Mrs. Chating, New Farm – extensions

P. Hancock and A. Taylor and Mr. Mrs. Wright, 98 – 100 Cambridge Road – extensions.


G. Quartey, 65 Rosemary Road – extensions.



Houston Crest Properties Ltd., Landbeach Lakes – hotel


Ms. D. A. Peterson, 18a Greenside – extension and conversion of garage to form a dwelling and erection of double garage.


Mr. J. Jefford, The Bungalow, Long Drove – Use of building as store and security office, and boundary landscape screening.

  1.  Recreation Ground matters

i.        To agree club agreements as circulated:

The club agreements were amended following discussion and agreement.

Mr. Shipp proposed, seconded by Mr Grant and agreed that the Agreements for the Bowls, Cricket and Football Club be sent to the respective Clubs, with the amendments having been made, for signing

Mr. Grant proposed, seconded by Mr. Halsey and agreed that the Agreement for the Colts Football Club be sent to the Club, with the amendments having been made, for signing.

Mr. Grant proposed, seconded by Mr. Shipp and agreed that the Pavilion Agreement be sent to the clubs, with the amendments having been made, for signing.

Youth Club Agreement – this had not been drawn up as there are a number of issues following on from the meeting and recent correspondence which need further discussion.

                ii.  Other recreation matters:

Vandalism to new pavilion – access had been gained onto the roof of the new pavilion, tiles had been broken, the weather vane had been damaged with the heron being removed and damage had been done to the clock.  The police and the scenes of crime had attended.  The insurers had been contacted and an article would be in the Cambridge Evening News.  The damaged tiles had been repaired, the weather vane is being repaired and the extent of the


damage to the clock being investigated.

Waterbeach Colts – a request had been received to hold a beer festival/five aside tournament on weekend of 20th – 22nd May.  It was agreed that this would be discussed at the next meeting as an agenda item.

WAY – Use of Old Pavilion. – Requesting a meeting on 9th or 23rd September.  It was agreed that neither of these dates is suitable and the Clerk should ascertain alternative dates.

Old pavilion – new up to date signage is required for the fire extinguishers.  Mr. Grant proposed, seconded by Mr. Wright that railings for disabled use are installed in the toilets.

  1.  Any other matters:

Councillors were reminded of the need for them to consider the full time retirement of Mr. Scrivener.


The meeting ended at 10.00 p.m.


Chairman ……………………………………….      Date ……………………………………..




































